Tuesday 4 August 2009

Rise to the Challenge

One of the fundamental aspects of coaching is working with clients to push through their comfort zones and persue a new direction. It's inspiring as a coach when I observe a client rising to that challenge,achieving new heights and maximising their potential.

But how and when do we get stuck in that comfort zone, or "easy arm chair" syndrome? I observe my children (I have two under 5 years old) and they are constantly pushing the boundaries: there is no comfort zone - for either party! As a parent I need lots of energy to keep my children with these undefined, parent-imposed boundaries. But that's OK, as I believe that children need to push boundaries to learn the rules and define their schemas.

So when do we stop pushing boundaries? As an adult it's all to easy to one day wake up and realise that we have slipped into that "easy arm chair. And it's difficult to get out again. Is it that, unlike a child with boundless energy, as adults we are investing all our energies into just surviving - paying the bills, looking after our loved ones (our elders as well as our children)?

Or is it that as an adult we limit the number of boundaries we're trying to push through? Or is that the definition changes? When we learn a new skill, visit a new country, do something different, are we pushing our boundaries - but as an adult, we just call it something else? We see these new opportunities as exciting adventures. And we challenge ourselves, we find the energy to push out of our comfort zone and we readily take on the challenge. When you really set your mind to do something new and exciting, there's a desire to achieve this, the effort involved is worth it.

Sometimes the challenges are huge. My hairdresser is about to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. And sometimes they can appear quite trivial: a friend has recently decided to live life without her nail extensions ....and I quote...."just to see what it's like". Both are going outside their comfort zones and I admire them both for different reasons.

Most of my clients turn to coaching when they feel, in part, that something's missing and are seeking fulfilment. In our work together, we consider which boundaries they now wish to push: they may be facing a dilema in their life that their schema cannot provide an answer for, or the easy life in that arm-chair just isn't interesting enough any more. I feel that it's a privilige to work with my clients who who patience, determination and a strong desire go on to achieve something more with their lives.

So, I turn to ask you - when did you last break out of your comfort zone? If you can't remember - get out of your easy arm-chair. Rise to a new challenge. Make yourself proud.

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