Tuesday 15 September 2009

My Little Bit of English Heaven

As we come to realise that it's the end of Summer, it's the time to reflect back on the last few months. I like to recall those perfect, fantastic moments I had that will always reminds me of Summer 2009.

This year, I will always remember one Wednesday in August. The weather was fantastic and so I seized the opportunity to go to the place I call "My Little Bit of English Heaven".

My old next door neighbour originally told me about this place. When she described it, it sounded idyllic and I was immediately drawn to what it could potentially offer. She doesn't drive and isn't great at directions....but I was determined to find it. I did my research with a map and used some common sense. And on a sunny day in Summer 2008, I bravely set off with my two kids, unsure as to whether or not I was heading to the right place.

After I'd managed to get everyone out of the car, I set off down a country lane. I was relieved to find that the path was robust enough for a buggy. I had prepared for all eventualities, and on my first visit I was carrying my 4 month old baby boy in a sling. But this visit, I enthusiastically pushed the buggy along the lane.

After passing a couple of houses, we walked into a field. You could feel the hush, as the noise fro the traffic from the nearby roads faded into the distance. We walked along, accompanied by the click-clicking of insects and the incessant chatter of my 2 year old. The field then turned into a clearing surrounded by trees. There were hundreds of bunnies, who as soon as they heard us they scurried into the undergrowth.

We reached the river bank a few yards ahead. There was no-one around. We set up a picnic and my daughter spent the next few hours playing in the river, catching tiddlers and generally running around. This was heaven. What more could I ask for? Sun, cold running water to cool down in, tranquillity all within a beautiful setting.

I've been back numerous times. This summer, when the temperature promised to reach 30 degrees, and the Veralanium (St Alban's main park) was full of day-trippers, my Little Bit of English Heaven remained idyllic. This year, I had two children running around, splashing in the river and enjoying a traditionally picnic. It has such a natural appeal that I can see our family visiting this spot for many years.

I would love to tell you where this beautiful place is, but it's best kept as a secret.

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